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Looking for my next
to use creativity to make a Social change.

Arc of Triumph

In 2018 Arc of Triumph  was established to continue documenting and advocating  UK Afro-diasporan arts and heritage legacy, and contribute to digital and physical conversations, surrounding Queer Black and People of Colour in the UK.

BAME | LGBTQ Consultancy  Writing 
Campaign Management 

 Branding   Social Media

Events Content    Fundraising  Creative Initiatives

Clients &



Camden Black History Season: Three Camden Stories

Thursday 26th October 2023 | Swiss Cottage Library


A celebratory event reviewing the life and leadership stories of 3 pioneering black Gay men. Cultural researcher Shaun Wallace delves into local Black and LGBTQ History, by exploring the lives of 3 Social Activist Pioneers: Patrick Nelson, Ivor Cummings and Cecil Belfield Clarke. 



Through a ’conversational style’ illustrated presentation with Historian of Black Britain Stephen Borne, we will discover their formidable stories; recounting their connection to Bloomsbury’s radical art, political and Intellectual circles of the 1930’s.”

I  conduct talks and advise voluntary organisations creating inclusive initiatives and campaigns.

Developing a concept 'Queerology', I used it as a theme to conduct  four pioneering talks in 2019, surrounding Queer Black Identity, in the UK, and its contemporary Social Media iteration. 


Using the  visual and performing Arts as chronological and thematic benchmarks, the talks combined my own lived experience as a black, non binary Same Gender Loving man; growing up in 1980's London, with international Afro-diaspora critical perspectives. 


Building this platform is part of a broader goal to sustain community interaction and address gaps in social health provision .



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